
Award gaven to D.r Stavros Lala

For his contribution to nutritional supplement research

On July 6, at the Supplement Awards 2022 Award Ceremony (https://www.supplementawards.gr/)

Dr. Stavros Lalas, Professor of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Thessaly, was awarded for his contribution to the research of nutritional supplements.

In this particular ceremony, held for the 2nd year in a row in Greece, innovation in food supplements was rewarded and highlighted while at the same time, the scientific validity of food and health products was presented with the aim of safety as well as a quality choice for consumers.

The award ceremony was attended by more than 80 high-ranking business executives, representatives of institutions, Universities, professionals, and press representatives, applauding the innovation and quality of the awarded nominations.

The nominations concerned among others, companies that produce and market food supplements. Through the competition, the participants seek to encourage awareness of food and health products while promoting their quality characteristics and, by extension, good health, and well-being.